Wednesday, December 18th, 2019
BDS Winter Coffee House – Talent on Display!

It’s that time of year again! Time for one of BDS’ hot commodity events: the BDS Coffeehouse! Join Miss Harris, Miss Nutsugah, and members of both National Art Honor Society and Zine Club as they put on the third annual coffeehouse on Wednesday December 18th from 4-6pm. This event includes a craft fair of student makers and 100% of the money the student vendors collect goes back to them. NAHS will also be selling snacks and coffee treats and you can stick around for some amazing performances from some of our most talented students as they take the mic. Come get cozy with us, pick some handmade presents for the holidays, and celebrate the fine work these youth are doing! Flyer by graphic design senior, NAHS member, and Zine Club CEO Jamson Grate. Your $5 entry fee fundraises for both clubs hosting the event… in other words, a great cause! 🙌
Date and Time
Wednesday, December 18th, 2019
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Baltimore Design School
1500 Barclay Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21202