Announcements January 29, 2021
Have you received your student’s 3rd Qtr schedule & logged in yet?
By now, you should have received your scholar’s schedule. Mrs. Klausmeyer posted the schedules for grades 6, 7 and 8 on ParentSquare Wednesday. H.S. Schedules went out last night via ParentSquare secure documents. You should have received the link to login (for security purposes) and view the document by the app, text or email, depending […]
By now, you should have received your scholar’s schedule. Mrs. Klausmeyer posted the schedules for grades 6, 7 and 8 on ParentSquare Wednesday. H.S. Schedules went out last night via ParentSquare secure documents. You should have received the link to login (for security purposes) and view the document by the app, text or email, depending how you have your account set up.
These documents have the actual links to the students’ Zoom meetings and the Google Classroom info. If you screenshot the schedule and send to your kid, it won’t have the links and they won’t be able to get into class. You’ll need to email it to them, or send the PDF to them directly. It’s a pain. But so was trying to figure out the whole schedule (Mr. Hayes & Mrs. Klausmeyer), and then schedule all of the Zoom classrooms, new Google classrooms (all our teachers) and then entering every student’s schedule with the links by hand to send out (Mr. Brozene, Mr. Blanks, Hayden Frederick). We’re all getting through this. Just think how far we’ve all come!
I’m impressed though, by the students that are reaching out to get the info to login, and by the families that have called in with problems, and have had patience, grace and good humor. Truly, an awesome experience. Makes me smile through it all.If you DID NOT get your schedule, reach out to any of the following, who will be able to get it to you. Include name, grade, email:
Christine Frederick.
Mr. Blanks
Mrs. Klausmeyer
Mr. Hayes
Ms. Krauss
Ms. Kaplan
Ms. Villafuerte
Ms. Shankman
Halfway there folks! Peace~