Event Recap June 6, 2019
Class of 2019 Awards & Decision Day
BDS community gathered to celebrate as students declared their final decision on where they will be attending college.
The class of 2019 worked hard their high school career, and it showed with 100% of students having been accepted to a two or four year school. We are all 100% proud of these young people, off to another leg in their life journey.

Guidance Counselor Shannon Hayes exceeded district averages with a 100% F.A.F.S.A. completion rate, ensuring students were primed to access financial resources available to attend college if they chose to do so.

Brianna Barnes
Shamira Blackwell
Kyaih’ya Campbell
Taylor Johnson
Tatiana Read
Dyani Stocks

Jaylin Atkinson
Ayres Curtis-Lewis
Miosotis German
Solomon Harrell
Damon King, Jr.
Lamontra Johnson
Shyasia McAllister
Malachi Pearson
Car’liq Price
Alana Pugh
Craig Robinson, Jr.
Jordan VonderHaar

Trinaya Spriggs
Kayla Yerby

Ashiara Freeman
Sharnice Knox

Eric Johnson, Jr.
Hyla Wildt

Antonio Drummond, Jr.
Icesis Graves

Monika Dickens
Angel Wheeler

Treavon Yancey
Chebria Oliver
Gregory Palmer
Naya Stocks

Alexandria Goslee
Dyani Stocks
Precious Sullivan

Charnae’ Fitzgerald
Chance Mason

Elisha Davis
Wayne Hudley
Briana Kelly
Lilly Pretl-Drummond
Miyona Thompson-Payne

De’Shaun Fortune
Luis Vazquez Galindo

For four years, parents and students fuss, fight, cry and condemn this man for his methods. Yet, at the end of every school year, without fail, he’s hailed as a hero; a champion for youth; an angel that helped to push, pull, coax and drag students across the stage, but not without setting them up to continue their momentum forward. He’s the guy that’s on the phone late at night consoling a parent, showing up on the weekend to take a student to an interview, tapping in to his personal network to help a student find those last few thousand to attend their dream school. He’s the teddy bear through the tears, in-your-face when you make poor choices and in your head the rest of the time. He can often be a little “extra” as one student put it, but our students know he’s their champion. Grandma Hammond recognized Mr. Hayes for being as such, that man. As one graduate put it “His yelling can be annoying, but at the end of the day, he’s got your back. You know he’s there for you and wants you to succeed. My advice to the Juniors…hang in there…Hayes will get you where you need to go.”